Clubhouse [Early Employee] – Learnings During High-Growth & Next Career Chapter with Fair Square Medicare

Clubhouse [Early Employee] – Learnings During High-Growth & Next Career Chapter with Fair Square Medicare

Yup, you read it.  It’s time to close one chapter and begin a new one.  This isn’t “breaking” news… …because hey, we’ve all [for the most part] have had other jobs.  But with any new start,  it’s always important to take a moment and reflect: 🤔 What did I learn over the past year and…

Early mock-ups of QMi Pre-ordering Solution

QMi Systems [Founder] – Increasing University Food Service Revenue through Pre-orders.

2013 – 2014 (San Jose, CA) – While attending San Jose State University (SJSU), I had the opportunity to be exposed to early-stage startups from Milo (Jack Abraham) to Y Combinator (Harj Taggar). A lot of these opportunities are thanks to Steve Bennett, who was a SJSU professor, Angel Investor, and one of our student…